Some Things

Acrylic on paper. Each 6x6”

This is a series of 12 6x6” squares. It started life as a 18x24” base painting that got cut up. I don’t know why but this kind of building, cutting, recreating calls to me. There is unity and diversity in the 12 pieces. Order and disorder. Total yumminess to my brain.

The short title for this series is Some Things, but really the title is Some Things Didn’t Work Out. Thank Goodness.

And what I mean by that is so many times in my life I have held an idea of how things should be, how I would want it to be, how I hoped things would work out. And a lot of times they didn’t. I was probably disappointed. But then many times something better happened. Something better than I could have imagined. Over and over. Thank goodness. Does this happen to you too?