
still life with polaroid


Loveliness of impossible instant film and vintage Polaroid sx-70 camera. Imperfect. Perfect. 

I'm so excited that this work has been accepted into the juried Visual Art Exchange's 26th Annual N.E.W. Show! Exhibition dates: September 4-24, 2015. First Friday reception: September 4, 6-10pm. Location: Visual Art Exchange, 309 W. Martin Street, Raleigh, North Carolina.

More info:

Fog + Street + Slow Shutter


Busy with life and taking care of an aging parent, but found an hour in the morning fog yesterday with my iPhone. 


This shot is blurry. On purpose. I have a slow shutter app on my iPhone and it gives me the most delicious blur. To my eye, blur is mystery. A reminder of of our lives in constant flux. Blurred images look like pieces of a dream. Fragments of thought. Things I'm not quite sure about. Blur draws me in.